Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prepration for confession

1.I am the lord thy god: thou shalt not have stange gods before me
Commands:faith,hope,love and worship of god,reverence of holy things,prayer
Forbids:idolatry,superstition;spiritualism,seances,astrology,fortune telling,ouija board and all occult practices;tempting god,sacrilege,attendance at false worship.
2.Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain
Commands:revernce in speaking about God and holy things;the keeping of oaths and vows.
Forbids:blashphemy, the irrevent use of god's name,speaking disrespectfully of holy things,false oaths and the breaking of vows.
3.Remember thou shalt keep holy the sabbath day
Commands:going to church on sundays and holy days.
Forbids:missing church through one's fault;unnecessary servile work;public buying and selling;court trials.
4.Honour thy father and mother
Commands:love,respect,obedience on the part of children;care on the part of parents for the spiritual and temporal welfare of their children;obedience to civil and religious superiors.
Forbids:hatred of parents and superiors;disrespect and disobedience.
5.Thou shall not kill
Commands:safeguarding of one's life and bodily welfare of that of others;controlling one's anger.
Forbids: unust killing,suicide,abortion,euthanasia,artificail contrcipation,sterlization,fist fights,endangering lifa and limbs of self or others.
6.Thou shalt not commit adultry
Commands:chasity in word and deed;avoiding occassions of sin.
Forbids:pronography,bad movies,obscene speech;impure action alone or with others,masturbation,fornication,homosexuality,incest,bestiality.
7.Thou shalt not steal
Commands:respect for the property and the right of others;the paying of just debts;paying just wages to employees'integrity in public officials.
Forbids:theft;damage of the poperty of others;not paying just debts;not teturning found or borrowed articles;giving unjust measure or weight in selling;not paying just wages;bribery;graft;cheating;fraud;accepting stolen property,not gaving a honest day'swork wor wages received;violation of contract.
8.Thou shalt not bear false wittness against thy neighbour
Commands:truthfulness,respect for the good name of others;the observance of secresy when required.
Forbids:lying,injury to good name of others,slander,tale bearing,rash jusdgement,contemptuous speech;and vilolation of secrecy.
9.Thou shalt not covert thy neighbour's wife
Commands:purity in thoughts.
forbids:willfull impure thoughts and desires.
10.Thou shalt not covert thy neighbour's goods
Commands:respect for the rights of others.
Forbids:the desire to take,to keep,or to damage the property of others.

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